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The Story
It's been two centuries since warring immortals tore the world of Orn asunder. Now, mysterious spans have begun to form through the void, reuniting the long-isolated shard realms. Lost lands, wondrous treasures, vicious monsters, and the mystery of Orn's undoing await anyone daring or foolish enough to brave the verge...
About the Game
The Shards of Orn is a live action roleplaying game (LARP) in Raleigh, NC. Full weekend events are held monthly from April through October in the group cabins at William B. Umstead State Park. View our event calendar for upcoming dates. Game dues are $35 per event.
Want to Learn More?
- I'm new to LARPing. How does this work?
- I've LARPed before. What makes this game special compared to other LARPs?
- I've never heard of you. Have you ever received press coverage?
- What is the schedule of events for this year?
- Who can play? How old do I have to be? Can I come watch first?
- Can I see photos of your events?
- Is there a rulebook I can read?
- What sort of classes and races can I play?
- Where can I learn more about the world of Orn?
- Sounds like fun. Sign me up!