
Everyone needs to make a living: sometimes that living is made in taking a life. While any adventurer is well acquainted with death, assassins specialize in targets that other adventurers either would not, or could not, touch. They specialize in quick, discreet kills that let them slide back into the shadows undetected. Assassins may be used as weapons of war, as personal bodyguards, or a means for one to remove a rival without suspicion. Assassins will offer their services to any willing to pay their price.

Narrative Ability

To become an Assassin, you must:

*This trigger may be upgraded later, but must have existed at some point.


Assassins must be willing to kill at all times, and may also be the target of interference or revenge by those associated with their target; which means they must be flagged for PvP at all times.

Assassins typically do not have room for moral or ethical conflicts; they will go to any lengths to eliminate their targets, whether it’s as direct as a knife in the dark, as subtle as a poisoned goblet, or as intimate as forming a relationship with their target to gain access to them – the end goal is always death.

There is no unified assassin’s guild, with independent groups forming wherever their services are most in demand; particularly large cities, or places rife with corruption, may have multiple assassin’s guilds vying for contracts. While open outward conflict between competing groups is rare, it is exceptionally common for ‘accidents’ to happen.

If an assassin fails in a contract which they have accepted, the guild may issue a 'Replacement Contract' to both complete the original job and eliminate the assassin that failed. While such contracts are typically carried out by members of the same guild, in order to attempt to cover up the original failure and save face, it’s not unheard of for members of another assassins’ guild to step in, especially if the target is a well known assassin that may carry additional bounties.

Above all else, the most skilled assassins treasure their identities, both keeping their personal lives secret, and maintaining the prestige of their nom de guerre. While there are few levels assassins will not sink to, attempting to use another’s nom de guerre is considered an attack on that assassin and is likely to garner their attention and eventual retribution.