Races are fantasy species to which characters can belong. Races are subject to editorial review and must adhere to both the global and race content standards. Please review these before submitting.
The Aether from which Wizards draw their power is home to many mysteries and creatures. The Aetherborn is a name given to those who are seemingly created by the Aether, and whose bodies are comprised of the this magic. The Aetherborn are naturally attuned to an Aetherial domain, from which they draw their life. It is said that if by some chance the domain that begot an Aetherborn is harmed or destroyed, the Aetherborn would share a similar fate.
Fairies are known to be full of life and often whimsical. They are known for their long lifespan, as well as their child-like demeanor. However, this demeanor does not mean that they are of child-like in intelligence. Many fairies also tend to leave a trail of chaos in their wake; this chaos can range from small pranks to more sinister acts.
Trolls were one for the first races to walk Orn. Spawned from the leftovers of creation, their bodies reflect the highly tumultuous nature of the early days of Orn. Trolls have incredible regenerative abilities as a whole, but share a fear of the sun and light. Troll-kind come in a selection of natural colors from stony greys and blues to vibrant greens and earthy browns. They also have an innate ability to disrupt and re-forge magic and as a result are talented enchanters and craftspeople.
The Ixifar or Phoenix Folk come from an ancient human tribe of the Deserts of Sirison. This tribe was imbued with Prime energy when a phoenix named Ixifiah loved and bore a child with a human herdsman named Tamar. Their son, Ixifar, founded a line of Prime-touched humanoids who bear his name and phoenix-like features. Ixifar have a connection to the light and life energy of the Prime and live in modern Orn as travelers and desert dwellers.
(Pronounced Zuh-Maj-Ite) are a race of bipedal humanoid dragons that roam the Shards. They receive many of their characteristics from their dragon ancestors, including their scaly skin and protruding spines. Many also have wings, horns, clawed hands, and tails though some are born without these additional features.