Stories are content run at game events. They include everything from interesting encounters and open play activities to full-scale adventures and field battles. Stories are written by your fellow players, reviewed by editors, and run with the help of narrators.
Story Formats
Stories come in many formats. Some are large and need to be scheduled, while others can be completed in open play as resources allow. Writers earn karma when their stories are used in play, with the amount depending upon the format of the content.
- Field battles (10 karma) are large-scale content designed to engage 30 or more players for at least 90 minutes. Field battles often involve splitting into several smaller groups to complete separate objectives, and always involve some sort of mass combat.
- Adventures (4 karma) are mid-scale content designed to engage 6 to 12 players for 60 to 90 minutes. Adventures typically feature five to seven scenes that include a mixture of combat, role-playing, puzzles, and obstacles.
- Open play activities (2 karma) are mid-scale content that are held in open play and free for any number of players to participate. Most open play activities feature extensive role-playing or heavily structured combat. Examples include large NPC run auctions; NPC parties, banquets, or celebrations; and large tournaments and competitions overseen or hosted by NPC.
- Bounties (1 karma) are small-scale content designed to engage five or fewer players for 15 minutes or less. Bounties typically involve scenes to locate and then eliminate or obtain a target, are posted in the tavern during open play, run in front of the Dragon's Den, and give players a chance at an exceptional treasure draw Saturday evening.
- Cinematics (1 karma) are small-scale content designed to engage five or fewer players for 30 minutes or less. Cinematics often involve individual or group story development and are typically held in open play so other players may watch.
- Encounters (1 karma) are small-scale content designed to engage any number of players in open play for a few minutes. Encounters typically feature an interesting circumstance or NPC to enhance otherwise run-of-the-mill random monsters.
Story Life Cycle
Any player may start writing stories after attending three or more events, though that privilege can be revoked if editors reach a consensus after repeatedly rejecting a player's writing. You cannot play a story you write, but you are not otherwise restricted in what you write or who you write for.
All stories start out in Draft status. This is the only status that allows you to make changes, so be sure to review the global and story content standards. Once you're confident that the story is ready for review, you can "Save and Submit" to submit it for editorial review.
After it has been Submitted, your story goes into an editorial queue to be claimed by an editor. This may take some time if the queue is very backed up or no editors are available, so it's advisable to wait at least a week before asking after it. Once an editor claims it, it will go into their personal queue.
While the story is In Review, the editor may make manual changes, reject it, or approve it. Rejected submissions are returned to draft status so you can make revisions before re-submitting. Approved submissions are opened up to public voting to make it onto the schedule.
Other players can see the hook you wrote for your Approved story and click the Like button if they'd like it included on the schedule. If your story is an adventure or field battle, narrators can also Offer to Narrate for it. You can then select a narrator from among the volunteers. If you wait too long to choose, an editor will select a narrator for you. For these reasons, it's important to write stories that players will want to see and narrators will want to run.
Two weeks prior to each game, the editors arrange the stories with the most likes on the schedule. The first pick of scheduling times is given in order of likes. Scheduled adventures and field battles become options on the event's RSVP form.
After the event in which they are run, stories become Archived. This makes them available for anyone to review for future storytelling. Comments are also opened for players to provide feedback.
Approved stories are automatically Unapproved and returned to draft status if they aren't run within two years. This can happen sooner for content that is no longer viable, such as an encounter that references a concluded plotline, a cinematic for players who no longer attend, or any story that utilizes outdated game mechanics. The writer may then make the necessary revisions before submitting the story for a second round of reviews.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I collaborate with others to write a story?
Yes, but only one of you submits it. That person gets the byline and the karma award when the story is run. It's up to them to divvy up the karma afterward.
Can I run my story even if I'm not a narrator?
A narrator is always in charge of running your story at the game. If the narrator agrees, however, you can run the story under their supervision. Talk it over with your story's narrator ahead of time and schedule your den duty so you're available to help. Once you've proven you can handle the job, you may be offered a narrator position yourself.
Can I write stories for my friends?
Yes. In fact, you're probably the best person to write for your friends. So long as your story follows the story standards (e.g., does not grant extra rewards, adventures don't rely upon your friend(s) participation, etc.), there is no prohibition against writing with friends in mind.
Can players run auctions and tournaments among themselves?
Yes. Players may run their own auctions, tournaments, sparring matches, guild initiations, or other player based interactions without a story. If an NPC is only undertaking actions a player could undertake themselves, or the player interactions form the bulk of the content, it is not suitable for a story. The Story Standards contain many useful guidelines for stories.